Posts in Women in Agile

Women in Software Testing

Women in Software Testing

In 2023, the Global Gender Gap Report highlighted a concerning reality: Women represented only 29.2% of the STEM workforce. Going deeper into the report, we discover that women accounted for 29.4% at…

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Invest in You: Navigating Your Why with Dr. Rochelle Carr

Invest in You: Navigating Your Why with Dr. Rochelle Carr

Whether you are leading a project or team, we all know that stress in the workplace is at an all time high for leaders. In a recent American Institute of Stress study, researchers estimated that job …

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How to Build More Effective Relationships with Your Developers

How to Build More Effective Relationships with Your Developers

Whether you are struggling with a recent blame-filled, post-mortem or in the middle of a sprint riddled with conflict, we all know the human stressor costs that come with poorly aligned communication…

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Research for Agile Professionals with Melissa Eaden

Research for Agile Professionals with Melissa Eaden

Today, leveraging research to build for innovation is no longer a role just for product and UX professionals, but a needed asset for all members of the software development life cycle. But how do you…

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100 Women in Tech to Follow & Learn From

100 Women in Tech to Follow & Learn From

More and more women break into the tech industry. The proportion of women working in large tech companies increases year after a year. Online magazines like Forbes regularly publish article…

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Defeating Imposter Syndrome Workshop

Defeating Imposter Syndrome Workshop

At Agile Testing Days 2022 in Potsdam, Germany, we facilitated a workshop, “Winning with imposter syndrome: A community effort”. In our introduction, we shared Harvard Business Review&rsq…

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The Future of Women in Agile

The Future of Women in Agile

Virtual Panel Discussion – The Role of Women in Agile in different Times and Cultures

In March 2021, I had the privilege of cohosting a panel discussion with Ellen Grove. The discuss…

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20 years of Women in Agile

20 years of Women in Agile

An Anniversary Panel by AgileTD & the Agile Alliance

In February 2021, the Agile Manifesto celebrated its 20th year of existence. To commemorate these two decades of the Agile Manifest…

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Psychological safety and mental health in times of crisis

Psychological safety and mental health in times of crisis

On the 13th of May I did a talk online. This post is about the talk, some questions, and resources that came out of it. If you want to read about the thougths and emotions before and after the talk, …

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What a Journey! From Conference Participant to Keynote Speaker

What a Journey! From Conference Participant to Keynote Speaker

“Hi, my name is Lisi, and I’m a tester.” This is how I start all of my conference sessions these days. My sessions? My very own talks and workshops? It still feels strange to think …

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