The Agile Chef - Cooking with SCRUM

It all started with a Scrum Master course. I joined that course as an event manager & conference organizer. I was the only one in that course without a tech background. I initially joined this co…
It all started with a Scrum Master course. I joined that course as an event manager & conference organizer. I was the only one in that course without a tech background. I initially joined this co…
Bringing change, new structures, new workflows, or even new tools into a team can be a hard, tricky and a never ending process.
I made this experience on my own. I attended a Scrum Master cou…
Every year, the Agile Testing Days team looks for special sessions for the program.
Whether you are already part of the community or not, you need to know that AgileTD is open to new ideas, that w…
We are excited to announce the program release for the Agile Testing Days 2024. Get ready for yet another amazing event and truly valuable learning adventure with over 600 professionals from around t…
In 2023, the Global Gender Gap Report highlighted a concerning reality: Women represented only 29.2% of the STEM workforce. Going deeper into the report, we discover that women accounted for 29.4% at…
The Call for Papers for Agile Testing Days 2024 has officially closed, marking the end of the submission period for another great conference this November. With over 500 submissions of speakers comin…
What better occasion to acknowledge our costume champions than during the lively Carnival season?
Every year we are calling for creative outfits for the AgileTD Costume Party, traditionally happen…
We are thrilled to again welcome a truly awesome crew as this year’s program committee. Each member will utilize their technical expertise, speaking experience and unique stance on software tes…
The world has been transformed by the power of AI tools like ChatGPT. These tools are increasingly prominent in different stages of writing, including academic work and conference paper submissions.
…Our AgileTD team always tries to think of new exciting sessions or elements for our events. We discuss all evaluations we get and try to re-think existing concepts and discuss what is it that YOU rea…
Delve into the essence of continuous testing in today's Agile-driven tech landscape. As an advocate for Agile development, in this article I will demystify how testing seamlessly merges with deve…
On my way back home from ATD2022 I was doing speeds that would get me arrested in most countries, but not on specific sections of the Autobahn in Germany.
As my thoughts reflected on the past few …
Whether due to a recent company reorganization or business as usual, being a solo tester comes with a unique and demanding set of challenges. As a community builder in the software testing industry, …
Whether you are leading a project or team, we all know that stress in the workplace is at an all time high for leaders. In a recent American Institute of Stress study, researchers estimated that job …
Whether you are struggling with a recent blame-filled, post-mortem or in the middle of a sprint riddled with conflict, we all know the human stressor costs that come with poorly aligned communication…
In our recent community conversation about survival strategies for solo testers, Lisi Hocke and João Proença, share key strategies for helping software quality champions and teams …
In the Agile TD Zone community, we celebrate diverse leadership styles, perspectives, and team processes. We recently asked our global members, what are some unpopular agile software testing opinions…
The alarm goes off for another work morning and yet still drained from a restless sleep, you may realize that you have no energy left for yourself, your teams, or customers.
You’re not alone…
In our recent community conversation, we unpacked the benefits of API testing with Pricilla Bilavendran, Team Leader at Billenium and Nithin S.S., Engineering Manager at Fave. Read our event rec…
Today, leveraging research to build for innovation is no longer a role just for product and UX professionals, but a needed asset for all members of the software development life cycle. But how do you…
In our latest TwitterSpace, Jenny Bramble and Jenna Charlton discuss test automation trends that drive them crazy, QA and the future of AI, the hidden costs of connecting test automation solutions to…
The conference season is upon us and you may be wondering why the Agile Testing Days USA edition is known as North America’s greatest agile testing festival?
The reason is simple. Agile prof…
We are proud to share our recent conversation with agile software quality leaders, Erika Chestnut and Vernon Richards. In our TwitterSpaces event, our leaders shared practical tips for how software q…
As a leader, from the moment you engage in your first work exchange to when you close your computer, every day can feel like a trade-off between technical project delivery items made to the humans yo…
More and more women break into the tech industry. The proportion of women working in large tech companies increases year after a year. Online magazines like Forbes regularly publish article…
Last November the AgileTD Fitness Challenge 2022 ended at the Agile Testing Days. In total 20 people joined the cycling challenge, 17 people joined the running challenge and 11 people joined the walk…
Have you ever thought about becoming a public speaker and presenting a topic close to your heart at a professional conference like Agile Testing Days ... but never pursued it? If yes, have you reflec…
... or why you should attend AgileTD 2023!
The Agile Testing Days is Europe’s greatest agile testing event for software testers and QA professionals. Every…
At Agile Testing Days 2022 in Potsdam, Germany, we facilitated a workshop, “Winning with imposter syndrome: A community effort”. In our introduction, we shared Harvard Business Review&rsq…
You are about to read the story of Bart Knaack's journey to a healthier life, and an 'one-of-a-kind' conference at the beach. Bart went on a 200+ km cycling tour to challenge hi…
Tutorial Days at AgileTDUSA
Two days filled with hard work, new learnings, and skills lie behind our tutorial attendees. The tutorial attendees have been challenged with various tasks and thought-…
The announcement for this year’s Agile Testing Days program has been a rollercoaster for many people who have sent in their ideas for our 2022 Call for Papers. There were people who were happy,…
Let me start this blog post by asking some questions, and I want you to be honest: Have you attended the Agile Testing Days before? Have you attended this world-famous testing festival only once…
At ATD 2021 I gave a presentation ‘Anima Sana in Corpore Sano’ which told the story of my journey to a healthier life (the full talk and video of this session can be found at the bottom o…
Virtual Panel Discussion – The Role of Women in Agile in different Times and Cultures
In March 2021, I had the privilege of cohosting a panel discussion with Ellen Grove. The discuss…
An Anniversary Panel by AgileTD & the Agile Alliance
In February 2021, the Agile Manifesto celebrated its 20th year of existence. To commemorate these two decades of the Agile Manifest…
an interview with Alexandra Schladebeck - CEO, Head of Quality, International Tech Influencer & Conference Keynote Speaker
I (Uwe Gelfert in the Name of AgileTD) had the wonderful chance to in…
I had the very good fortune recently to attend the 3-day online conference Agile Testing Days 2020 , courtesy of the authors of the books 'Agile Testing' and 'More Agile Testing'. Jan…
On Tuesday, June 30, the AgileTD team was fortunate to host a webinar with the wonderful Lisa Crispin and Janet Greg…
We follow the movement against black people’s discrimination and abuse and we are happy that many people hear and listen, as we did and do. We all need to keep listening and learning and of cou…
On the 13th of May I did a talk online. This post is about the talk, some questions, and resources that came out of it. If you want to read about the thougths and emotions before and after the talk, …
Like all the conference organizers, we are struggling with the current situation. Some have canceled conferences, some postponed them, like we did with AgileTD USA, some run them as virtual events. W…
Hi, my name is Christian Baumann and I´m a software tester. During the last 15+ years, I´ve had many different roles at a lot of different companies in even more projects. But a couple of…
Hi, my name is Huib Schoots, I am Quality Coach, Agile Expert, Change Maker, Product Improver, Problem Solver, Tester and Scrum Master. I like to learn and to share knowledge so I became a speaker at…
Hi all,
I am Bart Knaack, testing professional for over 20 years by now and frequent speaker at several (international) conferences, but the Agile Testing Days have always had a special place in m…
The Agile Software testing community is full of love, knowledge and caring.
Everyone has something valuable to share, and we want the AgileTD community to prosper and grow through each other…
The world is constantly changing and agile software testing is not an exception.
Reading and curiosity are some of the vital skills every agile tester should have, and we strongly believe that the…
Coming up with a statement of difference
All the best software testing conferences bring to their role something more, something different. At first sight, the Agile Testing Days seem to blend in …
“Hi, my name is Lisi, and I’m a tester.” This is how I start all of my conference sessions these days. My sessions? My very own talks and workshops? It still feels strange to think …
You have probably watched the movie or at least heard the story of one of the most popular unicorns of all times, that finds out it is the last one of its species and wants to know what happened to t…
In 2018 my colleague Sabine wrote the blog post “It always starts with an idea…”. In this blog post, she gave some great hints on how to write better proposals for conference sessi…
A couple of months ago we celebrated 10 years of Agile Testing Days with six intense days filled with collaboration, learning, networking, and many surprises. Over 750 participants experienced a…
Agile is an iterative and incremental set of practices of management. It helps teams in an evolving landscape while keeping a focus on the rapid delivery of business value. All the methodologies of A…
Do you wish to speak at your favorite conference? I have a quick fix for you: become a speaker. That's easier said than done, but nothi…