Dreams don’t work unless you do

30-minute Talk

Learn tips, tricks and tools for anyone to become successful based on my real life story.

Virtual Pass session


4:40 p.m. – 5:20 p.m. Wednesday 11th


Anyone who wants to succeed in life and make a difference and impact on others


  • The common problems in communication, motivation and education, and how we can improve in these areas
  • Different ways to fuel your growth mindset
  • Different ways to be grateful, inspired and stay motivated

Have you ever wondered what makes you tick? What are the different factors that elevates you to peak performance level and makes you awesome? I was curious about this and went through a journey of self exploration in the past several years. This journey consisted of me identifying different patterns based on my real life experiences working in the tech industry, interacting with various successful people, reading several books and doing extensive research on productivity, mindfulness and self motivation; and eliminating wasteful activities that were bringing me down from my goals and vision. Based on this exploration, I realized that no matter who you are, where you are from or what you do; there are three key factors that makes people reach their fullest potential and make them successful.

Come join this talk, where I share my real life story of how I stumbled into the field of software testing, how I did not have proper guidance and had to figure my way out of different obstacles both in personal and corporate life, how I started from being a nobody to who I am today; where I speak at multiple conferences, write for various magazines, coach tech entrepreneurs, share my ideas via my youtube channel and built a strong professional network that has helped me become an influential person who can make a positive impact on society. I will share different tips, tricks and tools I learned throughout my career which can help anyone become influential and successful. Remember, to become a legend you need to start doing legendary work. This what separates the majority of people who think of being legends from those who become one by doing the work. Come to my talk and get inspired.

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