Build confidence in your technical and testing skills to get your whole team engaged in testing
Testers, developers, managers, coaches, anyone who wants to help the team succeed with testing
It’s easy to feel overwhelmed as a tester on an agile team. Even after years of experience, challenges pop up. Most teams struggle with test automation, which can be an especially scary dragon for non-programmers. Testers may have great ideas to improve quality, but often can’t get developers, the product owner or other team members to listen.
Many testers lack confidence in their skills – they think “I’m not technical enough for agile”. They miss out on architecture and design discussions. Their manual testing is seen as a safety net, but not highly valued.
Hey, that’s no fun. Testers on agile teams can and should have fun, feel valued, and have rewarding careers – whether or not they can write code or configure Docker containers. Is that an unattainable unicorn goal?
The answer isn’t magic – you can quickly arm yourself with the skills you need to train your dragons. In this practical, hands-on tutorial, Janet and Lisa will show you how to build your technical awareness and your confidence. You’ll practice applying your testing skills to lead your team’s product quality improvements. You’ll learn how to engage the product owner, developers, designers and others to succeed with all necessary testing activities, including automation and exploring effectively. You’ll take away experiments to help you and your team deliver the right quality and value.
Participants will have input into the topic areas covered during the day.
30-min New Voice Talk
45-minute Keynote
15-min Consensus Talk
Bonus Session