Dealing with unknowns

30-minute Talk

Overview of complexity theory to find and deal with unknowns


11:10 a.m. – 11:40 a.m. Tuesday 13th


Room F2 - Track 2: Talks




  • Why you should aggressively want to uncover unknowns in your project
  • How to use probes to learn quickly
  • It does not need to be a fire drill
  • Cynefin
  • Safe-to-fail probes

Nothing rattles a company more than having unknowns, but this is mostly because we lack the situational processes and frameworks that enable us to maneuver effectively in uncertainty and complexity.  Ultimately hurting our ability to deliver high customer value.   In this talk, Ray Arell will outline the ways that you can effectively identify unknowns and use proven methods to gain knowledge quickly.   This will include helping to identify the right decision-making context with Cynefin and other complexity methods.  Plus, ways to establish experiments that can exploit novel and emergent behaviors to amplify you to high knowledge faster.  

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