Continuous performance testing with K6

25-minute Talk

Setup Continuous performance testing with K6, integrate it into your kubernetes cluster and have a nice test result in Grafana dashboard.

Virtual Pass session


2:45 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Thursday 16th


Room F1 - Track 1: Talks


advanced QA specialists and developers, DevOps engineers


  • performance testing with K6
  • helm setup
  • grafana dashboard

The most of companies don't check their products performance on a constant basis whenever it's very important to keep your system stable for the end user and make sure new release will not give you surprises during peak hours.

I want to show how to simply prepare a performance test suite with a new modern tool K6 from Grafana, integrate it into your kubernetes cluster, setup automatic performance executions and always have nice test results in familiar and understandable Grafana dashboards.

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