Agile is not about fail-fast! Failing is not the goal - learning is! An approach to organizational learning and company-wide agility is BOSSA nova (Beyond Budgeting, Open Space, Sociocracy & Agility).
F-,E- & D-Rooms
Tester, Manager, Product Owner, Scrum Master, Consultants
Pen & paper
Agile is not about fail-fast! Failing is not the goal - learning is! An approach to organizational learning and company-wide agility is BOSSA nova (Beyond Budgeting, Open Space, Sociocracy & Agility).
The pandemic is one stark example of the volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (short VUCA) world we currently live in, and this world pleads for company-wide agility. Yet, agility in the literal sense means companies need to be adaptive, responsive, fast, and nimble. As Senge said back in the ’90s, ”a learning organization is a company that facilitates the learning of its members and continuously transforms itself.” That thought is more relevant than ever! Yet, how can an organization learn to learn fast?
Here BOSSA nova comes into the play. At the core of BOSSA nova are so-called “probes” – small, safe-to-fail experiments based on hypotheses derived from reflection on the current situation as well as on theory. Probes enable fast learning because they test everyone’s assumptions continuously. We'll use individual reflections, small group activities, simulations, and inquiries in order to draw on everyone’s experiences and come up with a path that enables learning fast. In this workshop, you will experience what organizational learning means for every individual and every team and together define experiments for you to use in your company.
Full-Day Tutorial (6 hours)
25-minute Talk
25-minute Talk
25-minute Talk