Sometimes we get caught in a situation, where we feel like we have no choice and thus no way out. In fact we often do have a choice; we just don't always like the consequences.
Room F2 - Track 2: Talks
Everyone as we all have choices.
This talk is about choices. It is about making active choices and about taking responsibility for those.
Sometimes we don't see the choices around us or we don't want to make a decision. Sometimes choices are made, because it is the only one left.
Gitte will talk about why we have a lot more choices than we think, and how taking responsibility for these choices will leed to a more free and powerful life. The talk is based partly on The Responsibility Process and Real Option, which Gitte applies in her own life, and partly by her other work as she helps organisations.
The inspiration for it was this blogpost that she wrote:
25-minute New Voice Talk
120-minute Workshop
45-minute Keynote
Bonus Session