Exchange experiences while exploring some famous sights in beautiful Potsdam
Meet @ Hotel Entrance - Outdoor Session
Everyone who is attending the conference
Clothing to match the weather and sturdy shoes
Have you ever felt that you:
Well, this is your chance to solve all of the problems above in one instance.
Join us for a guided walk around Potsdam. "All the truly great thoughts come to you as you walk." - Friedrich Nietzsche.
We get you moving - both literally and figuratively. Away from closed rooms and in a relaxed atmosphere, you get some exercise, make new connections and hear what other attendees have experienced so far, either at the Agile Testing Days conference or in their daily work, and share your experiences. The topics discussed are not fixed. Out in the fresh air you will be able to reflect better, let go of fixed thought patterns and find solutions to challenges. Literally leave the beaten path and forge new ones. Every afternoon we will walk another historic route around Potsdam.
25-minute Talk
25-minute New Voice Talk
Bonus Session
45-minute Keynote
Leadership Other