Security Games

180-min Workshop

Security doesn't have to be a dry and abstract topic connected to fear.Learn how (serious) games/simulation help you to learn and improve different aspects of security.


2:50 p.m. – 5:50 p.m. Tuesday 10th


People interested to learn new tools and to introduce them in their team


(optional) bring a diagram of your system (component, data flow, network, ...).


  • Security games/simulations
  • Security principles
  • Software development security
  • Fun

Playfully improve your security

Security is often seen as a dry, abstract topic holding everyone back, conveniently outsourced to a separate group or person (does this sound familiar?). But this approach doesn’t work.

Effective security needs diverse input and the involvement of all people related to the system.

Security games are one approach to facilitate learning and applying security principles to your system in a diverse cross functional team.

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