AgileTD Costume Winners announced

Feb. 15, 2024
AgileTD Costume Winners announced

What better occasion to acknowledge our costume champions than during the lively Carnival season?

Every year we are calling for creative outfits for the AgileTD Costume Party, traditionally happening on the evening of the first conference day. Themes so far have been for example "Movie Stars", "50ies Rock 'n Roll", "80ies Glam Party", and "Fairytales". In 2023 we also shared a very special moment with long-time AgileTD speaker, acclaimed author, mentor, Holistic Testing innovator and Agile testing Fellow co-founder Janet Gregory. She has officially taken her leave from the stage. Watch the best moments in our AgileTD Aftermovie.

Now, let's applaude the AgileTD 2023 costume winners, who stood out the most! We witnessed an impressive display of creativity, innovation, and inclusivity within our community. This was evident not only in the engaging sessions led by our esteemed international speakers but also in the spirited enthusiasm for dressing up and having a blast. The community voted, and we're delighted to highlight the outstanding winners of the best costume contest.

Leading the pack is Veerle Verhagen, who flawlessly embodied "Tomb Raider: Lara Croft," clinching the top spot and earning a well-deserved 3-day pass to Agile Testing Days 2024! Sharing the runner-up position are two participants who received equal acclaim: Ulli Dietrich as "Mr. Rubic" and Anne Colder & Vincent Wijnen with their remarkable portrayal of the "Titanic" dream couple, Rose & Jack. Both are taking home a free 2-day pass for the coming conference. Let's not overlook our keynote speaker, Heather Reid, who embraced the spooky theme with her portrayal of Jack Skellington from "The Nightmare Before Christmas". She won a 1-day pass to AgileTD 2024!

Congratulations to all winners 🎉!

The theme for the AgileTD 2024 costume party is "Time Travel," so it's time to begin brainstorming your imaginative attire. Don't forget, you could also snag a complimentary ticket to the next Agile Testing Days! 

We are looking forward to your creations and hope you join us for the Agile Testing Days 2024, boosting a new concept with Deep-Dive Tracks, open panels, free team coaching, new social events and much more. Get you squad together and join now!

➡️ See all packages for AgileTD 2024


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Author Ina Hölzel

Despite having studied Linguistics, American Cultural Studies, and Media Studies successfully, Ina decided for another path after uni. She tr…

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