Towards a Deeper Understanding of How Machines Learn

25-minute Talk

Tariq King walks you through how machines actually learn and get better at performing specific tasks

Deep Dive session
Virtual Pass session


11:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Thursday 21st


Room E2+E3 - Track 5: Artificial Intelligence Deep Dive


Anyone who wants to dive deeper into AI & ML


  • Discover the various approaches to ML
  • Learn about models that power ML
  • Learn also about artificial neural networks, decision trees, k-means clustering, q-learning and more
  • Discover the modern age of generative AI
  • Learn how AI creates content using GPTs and GANs

Go deeper with AI and ML as Tariq King walks you through how machines actually learn and get better at performing specific tasks. 

You'll discover the various approaches to ML as well as the models that power them, including artificial neural networks, decision trees, k-means clustering, q-learning and more. To wrap up the session, Tariq brings you into the modern age of generative AI and shows you how AI creates content using Generative Pretrained Transformers (GPTs) and Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs).

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