Play's Hidden Symmetry

105-minute Workshop

An invitation to explore your playful self - the most powerful resource you have - and what it wants you to know.


10:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Wednesday 20th


Creative Space Room - Track 9: Bonus Sessions


Individuals and team members who want to thrive, feel joy at work and beyond and support others


  • Concept of true play
  • What true play feels like and means to you personally
  • Key findings from Portia's play research on reconnecting / harnessing your playful self
  • Ideas to increase play, fun and joy in your life - be it at work, at home or anywhere you go.

Exploring Play Thru Play Alchemy

Do you wish you had more fun in your life? Or perhaps you long to feel more joy?
Maybe you dream of reclaiming the power and magic of play?

If your answer is “Yes...” to one or more of these questions, then we invite you to explore your relationship with play in this open-hearted exploration of play based on relational neuroscience and constellations.

During this interactive session, you’ll have the chance to experience what true play feels like as well as gain deeper insights into your personal relationship with play. We’ll also take a closer look at what true play means through the kaleidoscopic lens of Play Science, neuroscience, coaching and constellations. Play your cards your way and you’ll skip-hop away after the session with a pawful of ideas on how to make your life more joyful through play.

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