Agile Leadership Chaos! How I kept my CoOL through it all.

25-minute Talk

As a tester I cared about quality of the product, as an Agile Coach I care also about the quality of process, working experience and relationships in my organization.

Virtual Pass session


4:00 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Thursday 24th


Room F3 - Track 3: Talks


Everyone interested in continuous learning and/or leadership topics


  • Discover which qualities and skills from QA field are also important in leadership.
  • Gain insight on how leaders in agile organisation can support each other and grow together.
  • Learnings from a personal story of role change in the midst of pandemic and revolutions in team organisation

My story of moving from tester role to Agile Coach while helping other leaders grow and support their teams in our Community of Open-minded Leaders.

Just after a pandemic started I have been given an amazing opportunity that required for me to take a jump into unknown waters of leadership and [a little known] agility. I love challenges, but being a newbie Agile Coach when the technical organisation is undergoing major changes [including technologies used], people leaving, new hires coming in and first-time leaders being introduced into the mix - whoa! I have asked myself many times if I really can do it. Each time I decided to stick to the "fail fast, learn fast" strategy and positive thinking and... Here I am - loving my work and my team. Still experimenting. Still challenging myself. This is a story of a Quality Assistant turned Agile Coach during a total change of technical strategy and a thorough team-revolution. Let me tell you how it went, what was a success and what was a total fail. I will walk you through the frameworks and exercises we use to learn about ourselves and be better leaders at our CoOL - Community of Open-minded Leaders.

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