Better Communication and Bug Reports

25-minute Talk

Being able to consistently write good bug reports increases team effectiveness and raises the image of the tester and the test team.


11:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Tuesday 16th


Room F2 - Track 2: Talks


Testers, Managers, Product Owners, Developers


  • Reduce communication errors by using more precise language
  • The impact of writing bad bug reports
  • Bug report titles that will catch the attention of the Product Owner
  • How to apply the PEOPLE WORKing mnemonic to ensure your bug reports have the information they need
  • How to use consistency heuristics to describe why you feel this is actually a bug

How to improve communication with your team and have stellar bug reports

This talk covers how to write better bug reports to reduce miscommunication and increase the image of the tester and the entire testing team. Paul covers how to put the information needed into your bug reports from writing an effective title to describing work arounds for the bug that is being reported. Paul will talk about a mnemonic that can be used to ensure you have the information needed in your bug reports. He will also provide insight into how you can put into words WHY you feel what you have captured is a bug.

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