Unlearning to facilitate learning

30-minute Talk

Sometimes learning can be so easy if we unlearn what is stopping us from progressing


1:55 p.m. – 2:25 p.m. Friday 16th


Room F2 - Track 2: Talks




  • Learning about practical techniques for unlearning
  • Getting familiar with helping the team unlearn old habits

When Viki heard for the first time about unlearning it sounded a little bit confusing to her. Why should she unlearn something that she already knew? But than she started to read and research more on the topic of unlearning and she realized that unlearning doesn’t mean erasing everything you know and going back to zero. It’s just the opposite, unlearning is opening yourself to new learning’s, to new ideas and options. Understanding the unlearning process makes you open to a new perspective which was previously blocked by existing knowledge and old habits.

Unlearning is similar to clearing the cache from your phone, you don’t erase everything you have on the phone, you only free some space so you can again make some space for some new data.

During the talk Viki will share how she used unlearning for her personal learning experience, the struggles she went through and the results she achieved. Also, she will share how you can facilitate your team to go through the process of unlearning. This will help the team to more easily adopt and implement new approaches and ideas. Team members will become more open to new ideas and not blocked by holding on to old habits.

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