Michael Fontner

Michael Fontner

Senior Cloud Application Security Specialist @ SAP SE

As I embarked in a journey as developer client / server, I quickly realized that there was no communication at all between the stakeholders then. Therefore I wanted to help people to either write better programs or better cope with what they had to work with. Like some kind of translator. That led me to QA in the first place.

After some sideways I finally took hold in agile QA again, finding that my journey hasn't ended there but took me right into IT-Security and the overlap part nowadays called Application-Security. Having been Process owner of Pentesting, QA-Advisor to Development and Security tester as member of team "purple", I was also implementing a full SSDLC (Secure Software Development Lifecycle) advised as ISO27K1 auditor and tried to wrap my head around a proper mapping of software to the Business Impact Analysis. Recently I took a new role. Now I'm seeing to it that SaaS in a multi-cloud environment is run as securely, compliant and generally safe as it can be.

Equipped with all of what I learned - and still learn - I now want to share my insights and knowledge to help everyone - including me (!) - to get better. Every day.

2024 Sessions Hosted by Michael Fontner