Ady Stokes (he/him/his)

Ady Stokes

Quality Engineering Architect @ easyJet

I’m @A11y_Ady on Twitter and an ardent accessibility advocate, currently working as a Quality Engineering Architect with nearly 20 years of experience in software testing. I help companies build better software through coaching, training, speaking and mentoring.

I am a Content Creator for the Coders Guild’s Software Testing Apprenticeship and upskilling courses.
I deliver training in software testing, accessibility, exploratory testing and many more.
I’m a focused listener who looks to uplift people and help them build on their ideas.

When it comes to looking at the big picture, helping people through coaching and mentoring and using empathy as a testing superpower is where I feel like I thrive.

I have my own blog at The Big Test where you can find
The Periodic Table of Testing, a visual heuristic showing the breadth of the testing universe. Accessibility and WCAG resources.
Test Poetry and Songs.

I’m a big believer in the testing community and support it in various ways.
I have had articles published on the Ministry of Testing and various other sites.
I’m an experienced conference and meetup speaker and workshop host having talked at events across the UK and Europe.
I am very proud to be a founder member and organiser of the Ministry of Testing Leeds meetup.

Accessibility is about inclusion, not just disability and while useful for all it is vital for some.

2024 Sessions Hosted by Ady Stokes