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Test like a developer, develop like a tester

25-minute Talk

Developers and testers can learn a lot from one another and there’s a lot to gain by sharing their learnings and pulling together.

Virtual Pass session


4:00 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Friday 22nd


Room F2 - Track 2: Talks


Testers, especially those who are doing test automation, developers who are interested in testing.


  • learn about practices used by developers that can be translated into testing process
  • understand how to write effective test automation by getting a better understanding of application’s code
  • find out how developers can apply a testing mindset in order to write better code

Developers and testers seem to be pulling against each other sometimes. And yet, both are trying to reach the same goal - great software for their users. Their focus is on different parts of the development process, but there are actually quite a few things they can learn from each other!

In my talk I’ll be shedding some light on how developers can apply a testing mindset in order to write better code and vice versa - what can testers learn from developers to enhance their process I’ll be talking about why it’s important that testers get a basic understanding of the app they are testing, why should developers care about flakiness. I’ll be discussing reasons why should testers treat their test automation code as developers do theirs and why should developers focus on users. I’ll take a look at the DRY principle and why should testers care about it and talk about why it’s important that developers make their products testable.

Finally, I’ll share why it’s important that testers and developers share their knowledge with one another. At the end of this talk I’m hoping we can build more empathy toward each other and collaborate to deliver A-class software by pulling together.

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