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PowerPoint Roulette

Bonus Session

Come and join this hilarious theatresport and face the random powerpoint presentation the code creates for you!


8:30 p.m. – 11:30 p.m. Thursday 21st


Room F1


Everyone at the Agile Testing Days


A sense of humour


  • Discover how decent storytelling can rescue even the most dreadful set of slides!
  • See your fellow conference guests take on the challenge of presenting what they didn't expect!
  • Be surprised (or horrified) about the most unexpected deck of slides you'll ever face!

The legendary Totally Random Slide Generator(tm) returns!

A staple on the Agile Testing Days: Powerpoint Roulette! (Previously named Powerpoint Karaoke but people wouldn't join because they didn't want to sing: it is about public speaking, not singing!).

The concept is very simple: you present a story based on a randomized title with randomized slides. You will learn how storytelling can make any presentation interesting even if the content is 100% randomly generated. You will witness fellow conference goers facing these decks and deliver the most random story you've ever heard. And we can probably challenge some of the keynote speakers to show their skills!

Using a Python based generator, we will generate completely new presentation decks on the go for each person presenting. Along the way we usually have a ton of fun and find some inspiration of how storytelling can improve your presentation.

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