Lightning talk BarCamp-style at ATD

Bonus Session

Combining Lightning Talks with the family-style of a BarCamp to learn and share


8:30 p.m. – 11:30 p.m. Thursday 21st


Room F3


Everyone who wants to share and learn


  • Learn to condense and deliver your message in 5 minutes
  • Get exposed to multiple different topics in a short time

A BarCamp is commonly known as an unconference. The reason being that the organizers provide the location, equipment and other needs while the content of the conference is provided by the participants. In the beginning the participants will quickly introduce their topic and if there are enough interest the session will be held.

A Lightning Talk is a short talk or presentation of a few minutes usually held at conferences or similar events.

In this bonus session I want to facilitate and encourage conference participants to come, talk about a topic they are passionate about for 5 minutes, discuss it afterwards for 5 minutes and then we have the next Lightning Talk. No slides, just a group of people wanting to share and learn.

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