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Fail Less by Failing Faster: The Need for Speed

30-minute Vendor Talk

How to think about automated testing execution and maintenance efforts

Virtual Pass session


11:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Wednesday 20th


Room E1 - Track 4: Talks


Test Automation Engineers, Managers


  • The importance of shifting from time-based to event-based testing
  • The different costs of test automation, with a focus on maintenance
  • Practical strategies for improving triage and failure evaluation to enable faster fixes

In the world of test automation, just how important is execution time? There’s a big push in the industry to scale up testing by optimizing for speed and running tests in parallel. The faster the results come in, the faster you can release—except that may not always be the case. How important is speed, and is it the right thing to focus on?
In this talk, Titus will challenge some common assumptions about testing strategies and explore a balanced approach to improving overall release velocity. This includes a high-level discussion about different types of test failures and effective strategies for addressing them.
You’ll learn:

  • The importance of shifting from time-based to event-based testing.
  • The different costs of test automation, with a focus on maintenance.
  • Practical strategies for improving triage and failure evaluation to enable faster fixes.

By the end of this talk, we’ll uncover what’s truly necessary to take full advantage of improved execution speed.

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