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Session Filter
Are you a software engineer or tester who would like to break into AI and machine learning (ML), bu…
“How should we test this?” is one of the toughest questions a practicing tester can enc…
Many “agile” teams still struggle with delivering good-enough quality software frequent…
“The application has to be accessible, have we done accessibility testing?” How many of…
As human beings, we are inherently social creatures, engaging with one another in various roles and…
It’s common for teams to have a large amount of automated tests on the user interface. When t…
Amidst the hype and naysaying, there are real opportunities for using AI in the field of testing. T…
Conference Check-In / Registration
Full-Day Tutorials Part 1
Snack Break
Full-Day Tutorials Part 2
Full-Day Tutorials Part 3
Bonus Session
Snack Break
Full-Day Tutorials Part 4
Bonus Session
Bonus Session
Get Together with Drinks
Conference Kick-off Session
45-minute Keynote