Test-Design Based Thinking For Fun and Profit

120-minute Workshop

Test design-based thinking is critical at every level of software development, starting at the user story and continuing until the code has been deployed to production.


2:45 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Tuesday 22nd


Room D5+D6 - Track 6: Accessibility Deep Dive


Testers, especially early career or those who want to get back to fundamentals


Pencil and paper


  • Identifying Partitions and Using Equivalence Partitioning
  • Identifying Boundaries and Using 2 and 3 Boundary Value Analysis
  • Developing and Using Decision Tables
  • Developing and Using State Transition Diagrams and Tables
Explore the science and the art of designing test cases for unit testing, manual testing, and automated testing, getting hands-on with practical exercises designed to challenge and deepen your skills. Jenna shares key agile, focused test design techniques, including equivalence class, boundary-value, decision table, and state transition designs and tables. Leave this workshop with a newfound confidence for developing test cases that find important bugs earlier, and methods to apply these techniques while pairing and mobbing with your team.

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