James and Bart do Mutation Testing

105-minute Workshop

How to start learning and as a side effect learn about Mutation testing.


10:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Wednesday 23rd


Room D5 - Track 8: Security Testing Deep Dive


beginner program/technical testers


laptop if possible (but we are going to pair up)


  • How to trigger learning
  • A thing or two about mutation testing
  • learning strategies and how to apply them

How to learn a new thing wrapped in a workshop

Have you ever tried to learn something new, but did not know where to start? Most of the time it is just by start doing it and see where you strand/end up. However there are some tactics one can apply, when you want to get going. One of the best tactics is to find a buddy, so you can team up in learning, do some rubber ducking and mostly motivate each other. This year James and Bart have done just that and decided to take up Mutation Testing. Mutation testing is a technique that allows you to check the quality of your unit tests, by mutating your program and seeing if your unit test are capable of finding the mutations that were done. Sounds complicated? Well it is, in a way, but then, lots of things seems complicated, until you put your mind to it. (Oh, and there are things that keep being complicated even when you put our mind to it.) In this workshop you will see how James and Bart learned about mutation testing, learn about their struggles, find out about their strategies and -in the run of the action- also learn how to do Mutation Testing yourself. It will be a 2 hour session of exploring, wondering, deducing, but also about laughter and fun.

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