The relationship between quality and testing

25-minute Talk

Testing supports the quality experience of any product, and Janet shows how thinking about testing from a holistic point of view supports good product quality.


4:00 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Wednesday 17th


Room F2 - Track 2: Talks


anyone who is involved in product delivery


  • The difference between product quality and process quality
  • how testing supports product quality
  • How all team members contribute to testing activities

Organizations talk about delivering high-quality products. The business cares about the quality of delivered features. Our customers demand quality in the product they are buying. Delivery teams talk about topics like internal code quality, testing, DevOps and how to improve their processes. With so many different perspectives, it’s no wonder we get confused about how to deliver that product that will delight our customers. In this talk, Janet shares her experiences about how to look at quality and how testing from a holistic point of view supports that quality.

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