Join this hands-on workshop to learn and understand more about agile and get a better understanding of projects as their main topics are always related to agility and agile processes.
Meet @ Hotel Entrance - Outdoor Session
Everyone is welcome to join this free session. Entry is free, you just can come and join us.
Old clothes that can get dirty, a warm jacket, and sturdy shoes are recommended.
We, the #AgileTD organizers, want to give something back! To do so, we want to connect learning with social value projects and found two wonderful speakers to make this idea possible!
Christian Baumann and Søren Wassard will build your Scrum knowledge with you!
Together with the organization “Little Home” (, we will build a little home for a homeless person. Guided by Christian und Søren, we will build it sprint by sprint using the Scrum methodology.
Step by step you will be introduced to the Scrum methodology, and get real-life experiences by building up this little home, which will from then on provide shelter.
Theory and practical implementation will be combined in every section. In every building phase, you will be supported by the speakers and founder of the Little Home club, Sven Lüdecke, and his team.
Every attendee can join for free, learn and be part of this social project. Please come in warm clothes, the building process will take place outside.
By trying to apply Scrum in different contexts, you will learn a lot and learn to understand it better and quicker. By the end of the day, you’ll have a full understanding of Scrum and can transfer the knowledge to every other project in business or private situations.
This session is sponsored by the awesome "De Agile Testers", who rock on every level. AND, they do not just sponsor it, they also help building this #LittleHome for a homeless person in Berlin. Make sure to check out what other terrific stuff they do:
25-minute New Voice Talk
Full-Day Tutorial (6 hours)
120-minute Workshop
25-minute Talk