Anime sane in Corpore sane

25-minute Talk

Here I was, over 110 kg, locked down by Corona, living with 4 people in a 3 person house. I had a bleak outlook on life, until one bet changed it all.


4:00 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Tuesday 16th


Room F3 - Track 3: Talks


Any one


  • You can choose how to react to an adverse situation.
  • How doing sport can benefit your mental health.
  • Sometimes a little nudge is all it takes.

How a bet saved my life

Just when I started to get fed up with me, life and the world in general. A small gesture from a colleague turned my misfortune of having to work from home into an opportunity a never would have had otherwise. Learn how a small nudge can make a big change in ones outlook on life. And let me challenge you to do the same. Join me in making that change!

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