7 Design Ideas from Arjuna for Data in Test Automation

25-minute Talk

Explore different shapes data takes in test automation frameworks and related design ideas


11:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Tuesday 16th


Room F1 - Track 1: Talks


All levels of Test Automation Engineers especially the ones interested in Framework Design


  • 7 Types of Data Requirements in Test Automation
  • Different Design Patterns for Handling Data
  • Handling Data With Intuitive Query Language
  • Applied Meta-Programming to Data
  • Dependency Injections

Data in Test Automation is More Than Data Driven Testing

When testers talk about data in test automation, they mostly talk about Data Driven Testing. Many a times, data which is not even driving the tests as per its flow, is put under the umbrella of data driven testing. In Arjuna (https://arjuna-taf.readthedocs.io/), I've categorised the data requirements into 7 (or more) areas. Some examples include data references, data entities, data resources and of course data driven testing. It is not an Arjuna presentation. I will discuss ideas from these implementations so that the audience can think about them and implement their variants in their own test automation frameworks.

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