Reverse Gamification: the power of reuse

30-minute Talk

In modern day Agile warfare we see a lot of games being set up/created to teach Agile principles..... why not use existing games to do the same


11:55 a.m. – 12:25 p.m. Tuesday 5th


Room F2 - Track 2: Talks


Testers, coaches, scrum masters and product owners


laptop and a inquisitive mind


  • What makes a good game?
  • What agile games do we already have?
  • How can we add new games by reusing existing games

How to reuse existing games to teach (Agile) Test principles

In traditional gamification a lot of money is spend on building games to teach certain principles and the games are not Always that interesting.In this hands-on session we will see how to use traditional games to teach the principles we want to.

We will look at different levels of reuse and how to incorporate them.

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