Building a developer-tester relationship

30-minute Talk

A programmer-tester relationship can be possible and awesome. This is our story of how Brandon & Janet developed their relationship and how it affected the quality of their process and product.


10:25 a.m. – 10:55 a.m. Thursday 7th


Room F2 - Track 2: Talks


All team members.


  • How programmers can improve their skills and learn from testers
  • The impact of sharing your knowledge
  • How testing is so much easier when you have a close relationship with the programmer

A true story

A programmer-tester relationship can be possible and awesome for each role. This is our story of how we (Brandon and Janet) developed their relationship and how it affected the quality of their process and their product. People often underestimate how relationships with team members in other roles can affect their product and influence others. A good working relationship between a programmer and a tester is a win-win-win. It adds to each person’s enjoyment of their job, makes the work easier, and results in better quality and value for customers. In this real-life experience report, Janet and Brandon will share how they built a relationship based on trust, and the outcomes for better quality of their process and their product. Programmers like to think their code is flawless and testers like to find the inevitable flaws. This can cause an adversarial relationship. When they start working together rather than in opposition, many things change. Programmers begin to have a different viewpoint. Their start thinking deeper about potential problems and start brainstorming possible scenarios they never would have thought of before. Testers also start to think differently because they are no longer there to find fault, but working towards building better quality into the product - together. Join Janet and Brandon as they share their journey, which has motivated Brandon to share his professional growth, and his desire to change the world with the knowledge he gained.

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