Mentoring Result > Power Pairs in Testing

30-minute Talk

Mentoring as a career instrument


11:55 a.m. – 12:25 p.m. Thursday 15th


Room F2 - Track 2: Talks




  • why it would be a smart idea for you to look for a testing mentor
  • how to prepare for mentoring
  • how to talk to potential mentor
  • how to build successful testing power pair

Mentoring has been around a long time, the tradition of having someone support you with their wisdom and experience is probably as old as the human race. It is as important now as it ever was, and pairing programs for mentors and mentees are available for groups in need of a supportive advisor. I’ve been on both sides of the table, looking and finding mentors myself and mentoring others, and now in role of supporting a mentorship network Speak Easy targeted for new speakers in Testing. 

Mentoring builds power pairs where both participants benefit. In this talk, I focus on the mentee and encourage them to take active role in their future development. Come and learn about mentoring as an instrument which will bring your testing in next level.

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