Let's talk Testability

7-min Lightning

Testability is the key catalyst in allowing teams to release safely, quickly & in a sustainable way.


3:10 p.m. – 3:20 p.m. Thursday 15th


Room F1 - Track 1: Talks


Whole team


  • Testers need to understand, advocate & inform their team about testabiltiy
  • Testers need to share their biggest testing problems with their team
  • Testability is a team sport that required whole team support & action
  • Testability drives better architectural design
  • A focus on Testability yields far greater returns than automation

Testability faciliates shorter feedback loops, better automation and deeper exploratory testing

The most significant quality improvements I've seen during my career haven't driven by testing. They were driven by building relationships and influencing the right people at the right time to build quality in and focus on Testability.

A whole team focus on Testability has been a core ingredient in allowing my teams to release safely, quickly & in a sustainable way. In this session, I'll run through the lessons, patterns, and models I've used to put testability at the heart of everything we do.

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