The Facilitation Dojo is a safe space to explore and extend your capabilities as a facilitator.
Room E2+E3
Everybody who needs to facilitate group decision making processes.
We provide this Facilitation Dojo as a platform for safe learning and exchange about facilitation techniques, pitfalls und secrets.
The students of a martial art are gathered around the center of the Dojo. The master - sensei - in the middle asks one of the students to join him for a practical demonstration. "Attack me", he says. The students starts an attack and finds himself lying on the ground in the wink of an eye. The sensei patiently describes and demonstrates her moves, ensures the student understands every part and reverses the roles.
A dojo provides an intense but safe learning atmosphere. Coding dojos are very popular in the Agile scene. Our facilitation dojo helps new and intermediate facilitators to improve their facilitation and moderation skills (see learning objectives).
Learning Objectives
- Provide an engaging and inspiring environment for an event
- Deal with disturbances and interruptions
- Address conflicts and help the parties to navigate through them
- Collect ideas and organize them into topics
- Understand the origin of the word facilitate and live to it
30-min New Voice Talk
Bonus Session
30-minute Talk
120-minute Workshop